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Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Humorous Music Rant

           The other day I overheard this humorous rant at the grocery store from somebody wearing a Madonna t-shirt.
           “Music sounds so bland and boring these days, and most of us true music lovers can tell it’s a manufactured sound created in bulk and distributed to the masses for the only obvious conclusion, it’s a desperate act for the sickly corporate music industry to gain a profit.”
            I do find the rant to be valid, but I can’t take it seriously from a person to wearing a Madonna t-shirt.  Lol, and now I sound weird and have no place to criticize a person wearing Madonna t-shirt ranting about the music industry.  When I, a blogger posted a youtube video of Madonna’s music video” Give Me All Your Luvin” featuring M.I.A. Nicki Minaj.

Monday, September 3, 2012

A Small September Blurb

This morning as I was eating oatmeal for breakfast, I realized it's September. How time fly's when being busy with work and moving into a new apartment.   Ugh, I really dislike the process of moving.  At least I got a cool apartment without have to using the World Wide Web, I used the good ole local newspaper I purchased at the newsstand.